E - learning


Welcome to the DFC e-learning platform where you can access on-demand courses that fall within levels 1 and 2 of the DFC training framework.

Level 1 Courses: Ideal if you want to addresss driving and community mobility in your generalist practice through screening, early intervention and education.

Level 2 Courses: Perfect for those who have completed Level 1 and wish to provide comprehensive driving and community mobility intervention services for the general public.

The DFC is committed to developing courses for all four levels of our training framework. Courses are initially presented as interactive webinars and in-person courses before being added to the e-learning platform. Check our Events page for upcoming webinars and in-person courses.

Training Framework

To address the needs of Occupational Therapists working in various areas of practice and with varying levels of training and experience in driving and community mobility, the DFC has created a structured, multi-level training framework.

The DFC Driving and Community Mobility Training Framework is divided into four levels, that are aligned with the four levels of professional competency as recognised by OTASA.

Level 1 provides a comprehensive introduction to early intervention in a general rehabilitation and community health setting. On completion of Level 1, Occupational Therapists will have a solid foundation in driving and community mobility, know how to screen for fitness to drive and know when to refer clients for comprehensive driving evaluations.

Level 2 provides in-depth training for professional intervention in a designated rehabilitation setting. At the end of Level 2, Occupational Therapists will be able to provide a comprehensive driving evaluation and rehabilitation service for drivers in the general public.

Level 3 provides advanced training for specialist intervention. Level 3 equips Occupational Therapists to provide specialist driving evaluation and rehabilitation services for professional drivers and clients with complex disabilities.

Level 4 supports expert Occupational Therapists to advance their practice through research, curriculum development and policy influence, enabling them to contribute to the growth of this field of practice.

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